Death Penalty
1. Do you believe the death penalty serves as a deterrent to certain types of crimes?
Yes 90.8% ... No 08.9%
2. Do you believe that when a law enforcement officer is feloniously killed in the line of duty that the penalty upon conviction should be death?
Yes 97.6% ... No 01.7%
3. Do you believe any law-abiding citizen should be able to purchase a firearm for sport or self-defense?
Yes 92.7% ... No 06.8%
4. Within the past year, has your agency been called upon to arrest anyone who has made a false statement on an application to purchase a firearm?
Yes 06.2% ... No 93.3%
5. Do you believe anyone (such as a convicted felon) in violation of state or federal firearm possession laws should be prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney and, if convicted, receive a maximum prison term?
Yes 87.7% ... No 11.2%
6. Do you believe law-abiding citizens should be limited to purchase of no more than one firearm per month?
Yes 32.7% ... No 65.8%
7. Do you believe local "gun shows" are a major source for sales of illegal firearms to criminals?
Yes 40.7% ... No 55.8%
8. Do you believe criminals currently are able to obtain virtually any type of firearm by illegal means?
Yes 97.9% ... No 01.8%
9. Do you believe any sworn peace officer or retired officer should be permitted to carry a firearm from state to state?
Yes 93.6% ... No 05.8%
10. Do you believe the ethical standards of your department are upheld at a higher level than those by elected officials in our nation's capital?
Yes 93.8% ... No 04.8%
11. Would off-duty, private sexual misconduct of an officer in your department result in dismissal or penalty of any type?
Yes 78.1% ... No 15.7%
12. Do you believe the media (TV, radio and print) are fair and impartial in reporting the news?
Yes 08.4% ... No 90.6%
13. Does your agency have one officer assigned to handle media requests?
Yes 56.3% ... No 42.9%
14. Has your agency been offered training in connection with the U.S. Department of Justice "first responder" program to combat weapons of mass destruction, biological warfare, etc.?
Yes 28.6% ... No 70.6%
15. Has your agency received special equipment to protect officers from such hazards?
Yes 07.1% ... No 92.4%
16. Do you believe the coming year will bring foreign or domestic terrorist attacks that
threaten the public trust in our role as guardians of law and order?
Yes 77.7% ... No 18.7%
17. Do you believe arrestees should be required to provide DNA samples, in a manner similar to current practices of fingerprinting?
Yes 79.9% ... No 18.0%
18. Were funds available, would you like to have videocameras available in all police vehicles, holding cells, interrogation areas and anywhere public may be in contact with officers?
Yes 94.9% ... No 04.9%
19. Were funds available, would you like a device that can emit a magnetic ray to shut down the engine of a speeding car?
Yes 90.6% ... NO 08.5%
20. Were funds available, would you like a firearm that uses a microchip to ensure only the officer can fire it, preventing a suspect from shooting it in a struggle with the officer?
Yes 84.0% ... No 14.6%
21. Does your department require each officer to wear a bullet-resistant jacket on duty?
Yes 59.5% ... No 40.2%
22. Does your department use CS or CN teargas as an option to force?
Yes 71.5% ... No 28.1%
23. Do you believe that marijuana should continue to be illegal for personal use?
Yes 90.1% ... No 09.2%
24. Do you believe a "zero tolerance" program testing prisoners and parolees for drug use will reduce drug use among those people?
Yes 69.1% ... No 30.3%
25. Do you believe the national war on drugs that has been going on for more than 15 years has been successful in reducing the use of illegal drugs?
Yes 21.6% ... No 77.7%
26. Do you believe abuse of illegal drugs has had a serious impact upon crime in your community?
Yes 88.8% ... No 10.8%
27. If free brochures about "dos and don'ts" regarding driver actions following a traffic accident were provided to your agency, would you consider disseminating them to citizens?
Yes 96.2% ... No 03.2%
28. Do you favor the drafting of all males for one to three years of military service?
Yes 58.9% ... No 39.2%
29. Do you believe the formation of a United Nations police force may threaten the sovereignty of the United States?
Yes 49.7% ... No 43.7%
30. Do you believe that all officers injured in the line of duty to the extent that they no longer are able to perform police work should be entitled to at least two-thirds of pay, family medical benefits and, if possible, training for other work?
Yes 98.2% ... No 01.0%
Survey results from the American Police Hall of Fame and Museum: Visit APHF&M
Page last updated: 01/02/2011